Up to 3 PhD grants and 3 postdoc grants in 2022
ILCB's monthly newsletter N°14 - May 15th, 2022
Institute of Language, Communication and the Brain Bringing together experts in linguistics, neuroscience, psychology, medicine and computer science to understand and to model how language functions.

Dear members of the ILCB community,

As you might have heard, LPL celebrated last week its 50th anniversary. Congratulations LPL! And a big thank you to the successive directors of the laboratoire who made it such a great and attractive place to work! The ILCB would not exist without the strong and sustained involvement of the LPL.

I am pleased to announce that we have a new member on our International Advisory Board. A bit of suspense... many of you have already met her at our last summer school or our last lunch talk... Thank you and welcome Sophie! You can find prof. Sophie Scott’s scientific portrait below.

We have decided at our last board meeting that ILCB is willing to finance summer training internships for master students—in French, “stage de formation (f)estival”. You can find the application forms on our website.

Also, keep in mind that the deadline for submitting the applications for ILCB PhD grants is coming up soon, on the 10th of June.

I look forward to seeing many of you at our annual retreat! We reached the limit of 100 participants and registration is now closed.

Best wishes,

Quote of the month

The decoder's dictum


the decoder’s dictum: if information can be decoded from patterns of neural activity, then this provides strong evidence about what information those patterns represent. [...] We critically evaluate the dictum, arguing that it is false"

J.B. Ritchie, D.M. Kaplan, & C. Klein, C.
Decoding the Brain: Neural Representation and the Limits of Multivariate Pattern Analysis in Cognitive Neuroscience.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 2019, 70(2), 581–607. SMASH


Figure of the month
Chunking mechanisms are central to the acquisition of sequences

Baboons are invited to learn sequences by pointing to a red target circle appearing on a touch screen (Panels A and B). Once the target is touched, it moves to a different position. Baboons repeatedly produce the same sequence of 9 touches for 1000 trials, which are then analyzed as 10 consecutive blocks of 100 trials. Panel C shows mean response times for each position in the sequence in blocks 1, 7, and 10, for one baboon. The sequence is processed in 3 chunks in Block 1 and only 2 in Block 10. Among other results, chunks become fewer and longer with practice.

Tosatto, L., Fagot, J., Nemeth, D., & Rey, A. (2022). The evolution of chunks in sequence learning. Cognitive Science. 46(4), e13124. SMASH  @HAL

Scientific portrait
New member joins ILCB’s International Advisory Board
ILCB is delighted to welcome Prof. Sophie Scott (CBE) on its International Advisory Board. Professor Sophie Scott CBE is Director of the Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience at University College London. She studies the neurobiology of human vocal communication, from speech and sound to…
Featured publications
Multimodal behavioral cues analysis of the sense of presence and co-presence during a social interaction with a virtual patient
Magalie Ochs, Jérémie Bousquet, Jean-Marie Pergandi, & Philippe Blache
Associative symmetry: a divide between humans and nonhumans?
Thomas Chartier & Joël Fagot
Learning Higher‐Order Transitional Probabilities in Nonhuman Primates
Arnaud Rey, Joël Fagot, Fabien Mathy, Laura Lazartigues, Laure Tosatto, Guillem Bonafos, Jean‐Marc Freyermuth, & Frédéric Lavigne
Interaction between orthographic and graphomotor constraints in learning to write
Jérémy Danna, Marieke Longcamp, Ladislas Nalborczyk, Jean-Luc Velay, Claire Commengé, & Marianne Jover
NEW Summer Training Internships
Stage de Formation Estival
ILCB invites applications for Master students’ summer training internships—in French, “stage de formation estival”. The primary goal is to provide students with a training opportunity in our laboratories and platforms during the summer recess, broadly understood. The internship must have explicit training goals. It will have to be framed within a “convention de stage” and have a duration between 1 and 3 months. The student will be compensated (“gratification”) with 500 to 600 EUR per month according to AMIDEX regulations. The next application deadlines are May 31st and June 27th.
More information
Supported projects
HOLINET: Graphe multi-niveaux combinant une couche lexico-sémantique et une couche grammaticale
Jean Philippe Prost (LPL)
Prédiction et apprentissage statistique dans la lecture normale et pathologique : une étude en IRMf (PREDYS)
Johannes Ziegler (LPC), Elisa Gavard (PhD student, LPC), Yufei Tan (PhD student, LPC), Elise Lefevre (PhD student, Lyon), Eddy Cavalli (ex-ILCB, Lyon), Jean-Luc Anton (IRM), Valérie Chanoine et Franziska Geringswald (CREX)
Word-predictability norms for the French Sentence Corpus
Françoise Vitu (LPC)
Language induced changes of mind (LICOM)
Elin Runnqvist (LPL)
Portable Eye-tracking system
Abdellah Fourtassi (LIS)
Workshop timecog2022: Perspectives on temporal cognition
Camille Grasso & Ladislas Nalborczyk (LPC)
PhD grants, open call
PhD grant call, deadline June 10th
Workshop on Thursday, June 2, 2022
timecog2022: Perspectives on Temporal Cognition
timecog2022: Perspectives on Temporal Cognition
This ILCB sponsored workshop will bring together researchers from a range of disciplines to discuss the scientific study of temporal cognition in its various aspects, its role for language production and perception (e.g., reading, speaking), and for cognition more broadly.
More information & registration
Save the date!

ILCB Summer School 2022


The next edition of the ILCB summer school will take place at the CIRM in Luminy from August 29th to September 2nd.



The organization team (on the picture, plus Marien Gouyon) is working hard on a tantalizing program. Details and registration will be available soon.

Summary of future events


Please always check the events page on the ILCB website for the latest update.

May 23rd, 12:00 - 13:30

Iris Nomikou (University of Portsmouth)

Read more & register

May 30th, 12:00 - 13:30

Marlou Rasenberg (Radboud University)

Read more & register

June 2nd, all day

Workshop: timecog2022: Perspectives on temporal cognition

Read more & register

June 13th, 12:00 - 13:30

Deniz Tahiroğlu (Boğaziçi University)

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ILCB is affiliated to Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, INSERM, and Université d'Avignon
5 avenue Pasteur 13604 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 1 B.P. 80975 +33 (0)4 13 55 36 31
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