Time for the annual report...
ILCB's monthly newsletter N°19 - November 15th, 2022
Institute of Language, Communication and the Brain Bringing together experts in linguistics, neuroscience, psychology, medicine and computer science to understand and to model how language functions.

Dear members of the ILCB community,

Most of the year we have fun creating new ideas and experiments to test them. Then comes the end of the year, where we need to report what we have actually done. Do you see me coming...? I am talking about the annual report of ILCB output indicators: number of postdocs, PhD defenses, grants, awards, visiting professors, publications… I agree this is much less fun than science, yet it is necessary.

We just hired an additional person in the ILCB team who will be getting in touch with you to collect these indicators for 2022. Her name is Sabrina Rodrigues; you will find her portrait below. If you have benefitted from the scientific environment of the ILCB in 2022 in one way or another, please reply to her requests. Also, throughout the year, remember to acknowledge the ILCB in your publications and in our HAL collection.

Sabrina will also help us organizing our special scientific events, and improving the dissemination of ILCB's research within our community and to the general public.

I hope to see many of you at our next lunch talk in Aix this Friday.

Best wishes


Quote of the month

Faster progress


"Fast Science is bad for scientists and bad for science. Slow Science may actually help us to make faster progress, but how can we slow down? [...] Think in longer timescales and survey larger horizons [...], provide models for the next generation of scientists [...],  assess quality rather than quantity [...], acknowledge teamwork [...], restrict output [...]. "

Uta Frith
Fast Lane to Slow Science. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2020, 24(1).

Figure of the month
Laughter in interaction

Mazzocconi, C., Ginzburg, J. A Longitudinal Characterization of Typical Laughter Development in Mother–Child Interaction from 12 to 36 Months: Formal Features and Reciprocal Responsiveness. J Nonverbal Behav (2022).

Scientific portraits
Sabrina Rodrigues
Sabrina Rodrigues is the new information and communication manager of ILCB. After working in communication and education, she resumed her studies in Neuroscience in November 2017. She graduated valedictorian with a Master in Neuroscience specialized in Molecular, Cellular and Integrated Neuroscience from Aix-Marseille University in June 2022.…
Featured publications
Learning English with Peppa Pig
Mitja Nikolaus, Afra Alishahi, and Grzegorz Chrupała
Embodied Time: Effect of Reading Expertise on the Spatial Representation of Past and Future
Camille L. Grasso, Johannes C. Ziegler, Jennifer T. Coull, and Marie Montant.
Hippocampal Intracerebral Evoked Potentials as a Marker of Its Functionality in Drug-Resistant Epilepsy
Daniela de Andrade Morange, Virginie Laguitton, Romain Carron, Daniele Schön, Christian-George Bénar, Bernard Giusiano, Fabrice Bartolomei, and Agnès Trébuchon.
Is There Evidence for a Noisy Computation Deficit in Developmental Dyslexia?
Yufei Tan, Valérie Chanoine, Eddy Cavalli, Jean-Luc Anton, and Johannes C. Ziegler.
Supported projects
BrainKT : Analyse multimodale de la transmission d’informations en conversation
Eliot Maës, Philippe Blache, Thierry Legou (LPL) et Leonor Becerra (LIS)
SMYLE: Show Me if You are Listening
Auriane Boudin, Philippe Blache, Roxane Bertrand, Thierry Legou (LPL) et Magalie Ochs (LIS)
Structural markers of self monitoring speech
Lydia Dorokhova (LPL), Elin Runnqvist (LPL), Pascal Belin, (INT) with Kep Kee Loh et Michael Petrides (McGill University, Canada)
Constitution d’un répertoire multimodal du babouin de Guinée
Lise Habib-Dassetto (LPC, LPL), Marie Montant (LPC), Cristel Portes (LPL) et Alban Lemasson (Laboratoire ETHOS, Univ Rennes1)
ILCB supports BrainHack Marseille 2022
Researchers from a myriad of disciplines joining forces to work on collaborative and open-science neuroscience-related projects
November 28th-30th at INT Faculté de Médecine, Marseille
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ILCB supports Practical MEEG 2022
An intensive three–day training to MEG and EEG data analyses
From December 14th to 16th, create a full analysis pipeline with exemplar data in one of the four leading software dedicated to MEG and EEG analysis : Brainstorm, FieldTrip, EEGLAB, and MNE-python.
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Summary of future events


Please always check the events page on the ILCB website for the latest update.

Olga KEPINSKA, University of Vienna & University of Geneva
November 18th 2022 @ 12:00 - 13:00 -- Typology of multilinguals’ languages and its relation to brain and cognition
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December 9th 2022 @ 12:00 - 13:00 -- title TBA
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Kate WATKINS, Oxford University
February 3rd 2023 @ 12:00 - 13:00 -- title TBA
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Adeen FLINKER, New York University, New York
March 10th 2023 @ 12:00 - 13:00 -- title TBA
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Leonhard SCHILBACH, LVR-Klinikum, Düsseldorf
April 14th 2023 @ 12:00 - 13:00 -- title TBA
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Hélène LOEVENBRUCK, CNRS & Université Grenoble Alpes
May 05th 2023 @ 12:00 - 13:00 -- title TBA
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ILCB is affiliated to Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, INSERM, and Université d'Avignon
5 avenue Pasteur 13604 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 1 B.P. 80975 +33 (0)4 13 55 36 31
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