Dear members of the ILCB community,
My message will be brief because summer break is lurking behind the hill.
Before we get there, I am delighted to announce that 3 new PhD students will join the ILCB after the summer, and that 6 other PhD students working on ILCB topics were successful in securing funding from diverse sources: 2 from Ampiric, 2 from EDs, and 2 from inter-ED. All of them will be joining the ILCB family. Congrats to each one of them! Nothing seems to stop us! You’ll find their portraits in one of the next Newsletters.
To welcome these new members of the ILCB, and to celebrate our two CNRS talent medal winners, we are planning on having a little garden party on September 22nd (around noon) at the LPL. Please save the date.
Now it’s time to relax and enjoy the summer... I'll see you again at the ILCB summer school! |