ILCB's monthly newsletter N°4 - June 15th, 2021
Institute of Language, Communication and the Brain Bringing together experts in linguistics, neuroscience, psychology, medicine and computer science to understand and to model how language functions.

Dear members of the ILCB,

The past two months have been a bit crazy, and I wanted to thank all of you for your time and efforts!

Many of you actively contributed to many ILCB activities by providing project sheets, reviewing applications, participating in our selection committees, or giving presentations at the ILCB “retreat”.

The scientific “retreat”... ! It was held in a hybrid format with limited in-person attendance at the LPL on May 25 and 26. We all missed the legendary get-together and evening gatherings, but it was a great success in helping to prepare the GoNoGo evaluation in discussions and round tables (Figure 1). The retreat showcased many of the beautiful collaborations between members of different labs and left little doubt about the extraordinary advances we have made in the past years.

ILCB retreat tablecloth

Figure 1: ILCB retreat round-table. The future of the ILCB is designed on a paper tablecloth; back in the old days, how many PhD projects were designed on paper napkins during nice dinners...?

We also welcomed two new cross-cutting topics (QTs), one on “Cognitive and Language Development” (organized by Marianne Jover, Clément François et Isabelle Dautriche) and one on “Tools and interventions for special needs populations for education and therapy” (organized by Nuria Gala, portrayed below). As a quick reminder, please do not forget to acknowledge the ILCB in your publications (see guidelines in our “charte”).

Summer is almost here but, before that, do not forget to check out below our workshops, the PhD-postdoc day, and the ILCB summer school.

Best wishes,


Quote of the month
"In the longer run and for wide-reaching issues, more creative solutions tend to come from imaginative interdisciplinary collaboration."
Prof. Robert J. Shiller, Yale University
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Figure of the month
Collaborative projects at ILCB

This month's figure is... a figure!

You were recently surveyed regarding the collaborative projects, past and current, you are involved in.  We received no less than sixty-six  "project sheets".
These project sheets have been very useful to start preparing the mid-term summary of the institute. The survey is still open, so you can still submit project summaries (please see URL in the emails).


Scientific portrait
Nuria Gala, AMU associate professor
Dr. Núria Gala is an Associate Professor (with the French Habilitation to supervise research) working at the Laboratoire Parole et Langage (LPL UMR 7309) and at the Department of Language Sciences at Aix Marseille Université (AMU). Núria’s research in applied linguistics and natural language processing…
Featured publications
Comparison of Different Lexical Resources With Respect to the Tip-of-the-Tongue Problem
Michael Zock, Chris Biemann
Using Virtual Reality to Assess Reading Fluency in Children.
Jonathan Mirault, Jean-Patrice Albrand, Julie Lassault, Jonathan Grainger and Johannes C. Ziegler
ILCB PhD-student & postdoc day
Interdisciplinary Burst!
The next ILCB PhD-student & postdoc day will take place on Wednesday July 7th on the topic of "Interdisciplinary Burst!" Registration is mandatory before June 25th
Full program and details
ILCB workshop
Organized by Noël Nguyen, Nicolas Claidière, Elliott Hugget, Lena Huttner, and Leonardo Lancia.
Full program and details
ILCB Summer School
4th Edition of the ILCB Summer School

The 4th Edition of the ILCB Summer School ​ will take place from August 30th to September 3rd, 2021. It will offer Introductory and Advanced Classes in four core fields of cognitive science, reflecting the expertise of the Institute:

• Applied mathematics, statistics and networks,
• Neuroscience and behavior
• Language and cognition,
• Computer science and machine learning.

Keynotes and social events complete this week of immersion.

The ILCB Summer School is organized by Christian-George Bénar, Philippe Blache, Nadéra Bureau, Caroline Chaux, Valentin Emiya, Marien Gouyon, Adrien Meguerditchian, Caterina Petrone, and Arnaud Rey.

Keep an eye on the ILCB and CIRM websites for developing details.


Summary of future events

Cocodev seminar series, on Fridays

June 18th
Interacting Minds Center, Aarhus University

July 2nd
Christina BERGMANN
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen

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July 7th
ILCB Doc & Postdoc day on "Interdisciplinary burst!"

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July 9th
ILCB workshop on "Bayesian models of cognition, language and speech"

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Aug. 30th to Sep. 3rd
4th ILCB Summer School

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ILCB is affiliated to Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, INSERM, and Université d'Avignon
5 avenue Pasteur 13604 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 1 B.P. 80975 +33 (0)4 13 55 36 31
Copyright © ILCB 2021