Dr. Núria Gala is an Associate Professor (with the French Habilitation to supervise research) working at the Laboratoire Parole et Langage (LPL UMR 7309) and at the Department of Language Sciences at Aix Marseille Université (AMU).
Núria’s research in applied linguistics and natural language processing focuses on describing what makes a text difficult to read and understand by a specific target reader. She is interested in analyzing linguistic complexity (lexical and structural) and in building resources to help struggling readers improve and enjoy reading (adapted corpora, specialized lexicons).
Together with collaborators at the Laboratoire de Psychologie Cognitive (LPC, AMU, ILCB), at the Université de Strasbourg and at the Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium), she has worked on the ALECTOR project aiming at proposing tools and resources for low-readers and dyslexic children. She is now orienting her research towards other populations with special needs such as elders with reading difficulties due to visual impairments, and illiterates.