Up to 3 PhD grants and 3 postdoc grants in 2022
ILCB's monthly newsletter N°11 - February 15th, 2021
Institute of Language, Communication and the Brain Bringing together experts in linguistics, neuroscience, psychology, medicine and computer science to understand and to model how language functions.

Dear members of the ILCB,

Hope you are all fine. Just a quick word to remind you that the deadline of our postdoc call is coming up in less than a month. If you are interested and available to supervise a postdoc or a PhD student in 2022, it is not too late to fill out the questionnaire to facilitate interested candidates their search for available and eligible supervisors or collaborators. We update this information once a week on our web site.

We have an extremely rich and diverse scientific program in March, with an international workshop organized around two HDR defenses (Kristof Strijkers and Adrien Meguerditchian), and a Mind Fair” organized as “Walk through language, communication and the brain. We also welcome Prof. Martin Pickering as an ILCB international visiting professor. Martin Pickering is a world-leading expert on the psychology of language and communication, including language production, language comprehension, dialogue, and bilingualism, with a focus on syntax and semantics.

One final note. We will need your help with the collection of the indicators, which we have to send to the ANR with our annual report (e.g., number of PhDs, grants, distinctions…). We will shortly send you a link inviting you to provide this information. (We promise it shouldn’t take too long!) 

Best wishes,


Quote of the month

Literacy is all that, in the individual or in the culture to which the individual belongs, results, has resulted, or will result directly or indirectly from the development and use of the writing technology. [...] the impact of literacy on brain and cognition is disregarded by most, if not all, of the recent major theoreticians. [...] The most important reason is likely to be the double marriage of cognitive science since the last third of the 20th century with, on the one hand, evolutionary biology and neuroscience, and, on the other hand, informatics and computational science.”

Régine Kolinsky & José Morais

The worries of wearing literate glasses.

L’Année Psychologique, 2018, 118, 321-347

Figure of the month
Simplified texts improve reading fluency, especially for children with weak reading skills

We created a reading app (called Hibou) which presents normal and simplified texts of the Alector corpus in a gamified environment. The Alector corpus is an open-access database in which texts can be chosen as a function of different criteria: length, age, type of text, and text difficulty. The texts are available in normal and simplified versions, with identical comprehension questionnaires for both versions. The whole set can be downloaded in PDF format.

Javourey-Drevet, Dufau, François, Gala, Ginestié, & Ziegler (2022) Applied Psycholinguistics.

ILCB scientific day
A groundbreaking keynote and two inventive habilitation defenses
A groundbreaking keynote and two inventive habilitation defenses
Details and registration
Annual ILCB workshop organized by docs & postdocs
Mind Fair: A Walk Through Language, Communication and the Brain
Mind Fair: A Walk Through Language, Communication and the Brain
Featuring keynotes by Jessica Dubois (Inserm, NeuroDiderot, NeuroSpin, Paris), Guy Vingerhoets (Ghent Univ), William Hopkins (Texas Univ), Benjamin Morillon (INS, Marseille) & Kristof Strijkers (LPL, Aix-en-Pce), as well as hands on experiences analyzing neurophysiological data, programming interactive experimental protocols, discovering R and Python, promoting open science, and much more...
Details and registration
Supported projects
Applying simulation and interactive alignment to the cognitive sciences
Noël Nguyen (LPL), on behalf of various ILCB members and of Martin Pickering (The University of Edinburgh)
Étude de la compréhension de l’ironie
Chiara Mazzocconi, Maud Champagne-Lavau & Caterina Petrone (LPL)
Post-doc and PhD grants, open calls
Post-doc call, deadline March 4th
PhD grant call, deadline June 10th
Summary of future events


Please always check the events page on the ILCB website for the latest update.

Mar. 25th, 12:00 - 15:00

Martin Pickering (The University of Edinburgh)
How do people interpret implausible sentences?

Read more & register
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ILCB is affiliated to Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, INSERM, and Université d'Avignon
5 avenue Pasteur 13604 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 1 B.P. 80975 +33 (0)4 13 55 36 31
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