Dear members of the ILCB,
It’s getting hot in Marseille... time to prepare the upcoming ILCB summer events!
First, our annual ILCB retreat will take place in Sanary-sur-Mer between the 13th and 15th of June. We haven’t advertised the retreat publicly because capacity is limited, but there are a few places left in case you are interested. Catherina Petrone, Thierry Chaminade and Abdellah Fourtassi are preparing a stimulating program around our (renewed) cross-cutting topics 1. Development and Evolution 2. Neural and Cognitive Dynamics in Speech, Language and Conversation 3. Maths, Models, Networks and Interactions 4. Language Pathology and Remediation
Second, we are currently preparing the next edition of the ILCB summer school, which will again take place at the CIRM in Luminy from August 29th to September 2nd. Save the date, registration is coming up soon!
We are also pleased to announce that the ILCB jury has selected 3 postdocs who will start their fellowships after the summer. We'll present their portraits once they have taken on their positions. The call for 3 PhD grants is still open, with a deadline on June 10th, 2022.
Finally, if it is getting too hot in Marseille, you can cool down by listening to a series of interesting podcasts featuring famous local scientists that have been produced by Mireille Besson and Vincent Hok (the podcasts, not the scientists). The first episodes are online and others will follow soon.
Have fun!
Johannes |
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"Babies learn the art of conversation before they can even speak" |
"Les bébés apprennent l’art de la conversation avant même de savoir parler": An original contribution by Abdellah Fourtassi (LIS), Noël Nguyen (LPL) and Roxane Bertrand (LPL) in The Conversation France. "On s’interroge depuis bien longtemps sur les processus mis en œuvre par les enfants pour faire l’acquisition de leur langue maternelle. Lorsque tout se passe bien, cette acquisition s’accomplit ..."
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Cross-linguistic gender effects in novice L2 learners |
French speakers learned a limited vocabulary in Brazilian Portuguese via computerized games. Learned nouns either shared gender across languages or not. Pre-training, no ERP differences were found in a cross-modal match-mismatch task for match vs. mismatch trials. Post-training, an N400 effect was found for mismatch trials, but only when the grammatical gender of the learned Brazilian nouns matched that of French nouns. These results demonstrate that crosslinguistic grammatical gender congruency influences lexical activation during the initial stages of establishing a new L2 lexicon.
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Rhythm perception is shared between audio and haptics |
Corentin Bernard, Jocelyn Monnoyer, Michaël Wiertlewski, & Sølvi Ystad |
Testing the Effects of GraphoGame Against a Computer-Assisted Math Intervention in Primary School |
Julie Lassault, Liliane Sprenger-Charolles, Jean-Patrice Albrand, Edouard Alavoine, Ulla Richardson, Heikki Lyytinen, & Johannes C. Ziegler |
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Philippe Blache
Philippe Blache is the founder director of ILCB. Before that, he was the founder director of ILCB’s “prequel”, the Labex Brain and Language Research Institute (BLRI). Philippe Blache is a CNRS research director since 1993. His interdisciplinary research concerns human-computer communication in natural language.… |
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A new science podcast: "Les entretiens de l'ILCB et la Fed3C" |
Mireille Besson and Vicent Hok (LNC) have started a series of science
podcasts where they interview senior members of the ILCB or the Fédération
3C. The conversations are organized around three topics:
(i) the speaker's scientific career, (ii) the evolution of theories in their
field(s), and (iii) the evolution of the job itself.
The two first episodes feature Bruno Poucet, former director of LNC
and of the Institut Fédératif de Recherche Sciences du Cerveau et de la
Cognition, and our very own Philippe Blache! |
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"Dans la tête des Primates" à Aix en Provence en octobre 2022
Joel Fagot(LPC), Pascal Belin(INT), Marie Montant(LPC), et Anne Reboul(LPC) |
Une syntaxe domaine-général utile à la motricité et au langage : Reproduction des résultats comportementaux sans l’outil
Raphaël Py (ILCB) |
TMS du Frontal Eye Field et désengagement de la fixation
Régis Mancini (ILCB) |
How and what to compare? Human and non-human communications. A transdisciplinary approach for a fair comparison.
Marie Montant (LPC) |
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ILCB Summer School 2022
The next edition of the ILCB summer school will take place at the CIRM in Luminy from August 29th to September 2nd.

The organization team (on the picture, plus Marien Gouyon) is working hard on a tantalizing program. Details and registration will be available soon.
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Please always check the events page on the ILCB website for the latest update. |
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May 9th, 12:00 - 13:30
Ellen Breitholtz & Christine Howes (University of Gothenburg) TBA
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ILCB is affiliated to Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, INSERM, and Université d'Avignon
5 avenue Pasteur 13604 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 1 B.P. 80975 +33 (0)4 13 55 36 31
Copyright © ILCB 2021
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