2023 post-doc call closes on February 28th
ILCB's monthly newsletter N°22 - February- 15th, 2023
Institute of Language, Communication and the Brain Bringing together experts in linguistics, neuroscience, psychology, medicine and computer science to understand and to model how language functions.

Dear members of the ILCB community,

I was really happy to see so many of you at the lunch talk of our IMERA ILCB chair Kate Watkins who gave a wonderful lecture on Stimulating speech: auditory-motor interactions in perception and production.
As part of Kate’s stay here in Marseille, which will end at the end of March, there will be a small, informal one-day workshop at IMERA on “Timing, action and language”. The goal is to gather local researchers interested in the interaction between at least 2 of these 3 topics: timing and action; time and language; action and language. Details will follow; for now you can save the date: Friday March 24th!  

This year again, IMERA has attracted very strong applications in connection with language, communication, and the brain. There will be two ILCB IMERA chairs starting in September 2023: Prof. Sonja Kotz from the University of Maastricht and Asst. Prof. Fenna Poletiek from the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics at Nijmegen and the University of Leiden. Their portraits will be presented in the upcoming newsletters.

This makes me think to remind you that we are always happy to welcome international visitors who want to do a research visit at the ILCB. There is, of course, the prestigious IMERA ILCB chair for research visits of 5 or 10 months, but we can also finance much shorter visits if there is an interest for the ILCB and/or a close collaboration with members of the ILCB.  

In more immediate news, AMPIRIC and ILCB will jointly host a lecture by Carmen Fonseca Mora on March, 2nd (full details below). Carmen works at the Affective Language Learning Lab at the University of Huelva (Spain); she is collaborating with Mireille Besson (LNC). Carmen Fonseca-Mora’s lecture will be on Affective factors and emotions in second language education.

Best wishes


Quote of the month

"[A]n inability to keep track of knowledge of instances independently of kinds [,] seems to underlie the rampant hallucinations that allow large language models to say things like “Elon Musk died in a car crash in 2018”, even when nothing in the corpus says so, and massive amounts of data contradict the claim, because they blend together information about kinds with information about specific individuals, in haphazard ways. [...]

Deep learning has undeniably made amazing progress, on other dimensions, but the fact is it hasn’t solved the core problems that many of us thought were essential 30 years ago."

Gary Marcus in his blog-post Happy Groundhog Day, The AI Edition

Figure of the month
Does modifying visual feedback facilitate learning to write new pseudo-letters?

Learning to write relies on the efficient integration of visual and proprioceptive feedback. Learners become expert writers when they transition from a control anchored on the visualization of the ongoing written trace to the motor control of handwriting movement. We tested whether this transition was facilitated by deleting part of the written trace and of adding supplementary visual information concerning the movement kinematics. Pseudo-letters learned with the modified feedback were traced faster and more fluently than those learned in the control condition. This method offers avenues for improving the learning or rehabilitation of handwriting.

Jean-François Connan, Marianne Jover, Alexandrine Saint-Cast, and Jérémy Danna. 2023.
Does Modifying Visual Feedback Facilitate Learning to Write New Pseudoletters?
Human Movement Science 87: 103046 --  @HAL

Featured publications
Timbral Cues for Learning to Generalize Musical Instrument Identity across Pitch Register
Stephen, McAdams, Etienne Thoret, Grace Wang, and Marcel Montrey
Multi-LEX: A Database of Multi-Word Frequencies for French and English
Marjorie Armando, Jonathan Grainger, and Stephane Dufau
Scientific portraits
Christine Meunier
Christine Meunier is the new director of the Laboratoire Parole et Langage (LPL). She joined this laboratory in 1998 after working four years as a postdoctoral researcher in Genera with U.H. Frauenfelder (Psycholinguistic Laboratory). Her research explores speech production and perception. She is interested in speech variation according to various factors such as…
Sophie Herment
Sophie Herment is the new deputy director of Laboratoire Parole et Langage (LPL). Sophie is full Professor at the Département d’études du monde anglophone (DEMA) of Aix-Marseille University. She works mainly on prosody. Her research interests concern the interface between prosody and syntax in discourse, the intonation of English varieties, the prosody of…
ILCB 2023 postdoc call
Deadline February 28 th, 2023
Up to three post-doc positions are open this year by the ILCB.
More information
Postdoc position at AMPIRIC
Orthography and writing (Extended deadline!)
A position is open to recruit a French-speaking postdoctoral fellow to drive a project on how children learn to write (handwriting, keyboarding) within the new team "Orthography and writing" hosted by the AMPIRIC Institute. The local environment is highly dynamic in the fields of cognitive development, language, and education. The team has access to brain imaging platforms (fMRI, MEEG, fNIRS) and to AMPIRIC's new experimental platform for education sciences
More information (extended deadline!)
ILCB supports
Workshop on Time, Action, and Language

Join local researchers to discuss the interactions between at least 2 of these 3 topics: timing and action; time and language; action and language. Details will follow.

For now you can save the date: Friday March 24th @ IMERA

Workshop on Multimodality in Social Interaction
Poster of Workshop on Multimodality in Social Interactions
Details & registration...
Conference on Multilingualism
June 12th-14th
ILCB supports the Conference on Multilingualism (COM) 2023 will be held from June 12th to 14th at "Le Cube" on the campus of Aix-Marseille Université, in the beautiful city of Aix-en-Provence. Abstracts will be accepted from a wide range of topics involving the study of bilingualism or multilingualism, from education to neuroscience.
Details & registration...
Supported projects
L’influence du chant choral et de l’écriture créative sur les fonctions cognitives et langagières d’enfants de milieu modeste.
Aline Frey, Julie Roussey (LNC)
Existe-il une méthode d’apprentissage idéale d’une langue étrangère pour chaque individu ?
Chotiga Pattamadilok (LPL), Eddy Cavalli (EMC, Univ. Lyon2), Mathilde Fort (LPN Université de Grenoble-Alpes)
Bridging communication in behavioral and neural dynamics
Daniele Schön, Isaih Mohamed (INS), Christelle Zielinsky (CREx), Leonardo Lancia (LPL & LPP), Andrea Brovelli (INT)
Communication chez les adolescents
Maud Champagne-Lavau, Stéphane Rauzy, Clara Grégoire (LPL)
Forum des Sciences Cognitives de Marseille
Association Les Neuronautes
Model-based study of the brain representation of speech sounds
Thomas Schatz (LIS), Clément François (LPL), Benjamin Morillon (INS)
Treize minutes Marseille
Valentin Emiya (LIS), Bruno Torrésani (I2M)
Creativity, Empathy and Emotions in modern Language learning with Autism for a Vivid Inclusive Education (CELAVIE)
Sandrine Eschenauer et al. (LPL)
Summary of future events


Please always check the events page on the ILCB website for the latest update.

Carmen FONSECA MORA, University of Huelva (Spain)
March 3rd 2023 @ 10:30 - 12:00 -- Affective factors and emotions in second language education -- Campus Saint-Jérôme INSPÉ Amphithéâtre Jacques Ginestié
No registration
Adeen FLINKER, New York University, New York
March 10th 2023 @ 12:00 - 13:00 -- title TBA
Read more and register
March 24th 2023 @ 09:00 - 17:00 -- IMERA
April 3rd-4th 2023 @ 09:00 - 17:00 -- Campus Saint-Charles
Read more and register
Leonhard SCHILBACH, LVR-Klinikum, Düsseldorf
April 14th 2023 @ 12:00 - 13:00 -- title TBA
Read more and register
Hélène LOEVENBRUCK, CNRS & Université Grenoble Alpes
May 05th 2023 @ 12:00 - 13:00 -- title TBA
Read more and register
Stéphanie RIÈS, San Diego State University
June 02nd 2023 @ 12:00 - 13:00 -- title TBA
Read more and register
June 12th-14th 2023 @ 09:00 - 17:00 -- Le Cube, Campus Schuman, Aix-en-Provence
Read more and register
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ILCB is affiliated to Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, INSERM, and Université d'Avignon
5 avenue Pasteur 13604 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 1 B.P. 80975 +33 (0)4 13 55 36 31
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