Dear members of the ILCB community,
I promised in our last Newsletter to announce the name of the 2024 ILCB-Iméra chair... I am absolutely delighted to tell you that there will not be one but three (3!) new Iméra chairs within our scientific scope. One is funded directly through the FIAS international mobility program. The two others are 5-month residencies funded through the local Iméra program. Here is who they are and where they come from:
• Antoni Rodriguez-Fornells, ICREA Research Professor at University of Barcelona; Project title: Language information-seeking in infants: behavioral and neural evidence. • Susanne Fuchs, Leibniz-Centre of General Linguistics (ZAS), Berlin; Project title: Breathing during motion and vocalization in baboons and young children. • Peter Simor, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest; Project title: Mind-wandering and information-processing: Learning through disconnection.
Antoni and Susanne will start their residencies by attending the 7th annual ILCB Summer school in the last week of August 2024. We are already looking forward to their programmed keynote lectures. Registration will open soon for the summer school; don’t miss this exciting event!
Shortly, you will receive a questionnaire that will help us collecting our 2023 indicators for the annual report to be sent to the ANR. It will only take you a few minutes to respond and your responses will be tremendously helpful for our justification of our ongoing France 2030 funding. On this very issue, many thanks to those of you who have acknowledged the ILCB in HAL ("metadonnées → Financements → Projets ANR"). The number of publications almost doubled since my last alert!
Please check out the long list of upcoming events. In particular, you are all warmly invited to the ILCB Kaleidoscope, a doc & postdoc workshop staging a collective journey through multidisciplinary insights. For all these events, remember that registering early helps organizers.
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"comparative studies on communication evolution would greatly benefit from taking into account the environmental and social specificities of [non-human primates] when running comparisons between primates’ communication systems"
Lise Habib-Dassetto, Alban Lemasson, Cristel Portes, and Marie Montant. Discontinuist and Continuist Approaches of Language Evolution… and Beyond Revue de Primatologie, no. 14 (October 2023) -- @HAL
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CETACEANS: Non-human conversations |
ILCB has launched a new project team ("équipe projet") to investigate non-human conversations. The team lead by Marie Montant and Fabienne Delfour involves a broad range of collaborators. Read all about it on the dedicated webpage. |
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ILCB doc & postdoc workshop |
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All ILCB members are warmly invited to the: |
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Predicting is understanding |
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Philipe Blache recently gave a lecture at Collège de France entitled "Prédire c'est comprendre : un modèle neuro-cognitif du langage fondé sur la prédiction" as part of Benoit Sagot's seminar "Apprendre les langues aux machines". [Photo (c) Collège de France] |
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Sonja A. Kotz |
Prof. Sonja Kotz will hold the ILCB IMERA chair this semester. Prof. Sonja Kotz is a translational cognitive neuroscientist, investigating temporal, rhythmic, and formal predictions and control mechanisms in audition, music, and speech across the lifespan, in animal models, and patients (PD, stroke, tinnitus, psychosis, dyslexia). In her research she utilizes… |
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AMPIRIC Speed Dating CréativLab |
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Would you like to develop an educational resource for teachers and trainers to help improve basic learning skills?
You are looking for an academic partner or a socio-economic structure to co-construct and/or test your teaching resource.
Then consider attending the 3rd Speed Dating session organized by AMPIRIC CréativLab.
Deadline to apply: February 28 |
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Please always check the events page on the ILCB website for the latest update. |
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Jeremie BRUGIDOU, Artiste-chercheur · ENS / Paris 8 / Nanterre / Aix-Marseille |
Feb. 23rd 2024 @ Salle des voûtes --
Phylogénies hérétiques de la bioluminescence : quels partenariats peut-on inventer avec les organismes lumineux ? |
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Anne-Lise GIRAUD, Institut de l'Audition à l'Institut Pasteur |
March 15th 2024, 12:00 @ Salle des Voûtes --
(Leveraging the auditory oscillatory function to treat speech and language disorders |
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ILCB doc & postdoc workshop |
March 29th 2024, 9 AM to PM @ Espace Pouillon, Saint-Charles --
ILCB’s Kaleidoscope: A Collective Journey through Multidisciplinary Insights |
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Workshop on Language Evolution: Klaus ZUBERBÜHLER, Université de Neuchâtel, & Jennifer CULBERSTON, University of Edinburgh |
April 19th 2024 @ --
"Revisiting the origins of meaning" & "TBA" |
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Conference on Multilingualism |
June 10-12th 2024 @ Le Cube, Campus Schuman |
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Peter VUUST, Dept. of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University & Royal Academy of Music |
May 24th 2024 @ --
Subdivide and Conquer. Brain Processing of Musical Melody, Harmony and Rhythm. |
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11th Implicit Learning Seminar |
May 23-25, 2024 @ Le Cube, Salle de conférence, Campus Saint-Charles |
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International Workshop on Language Production |
June 26-28th 2024 @ Amphi Gastaut, Campus Pharo |
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ILCB is affiliated to Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, INSERM, and Université d'Avignon
5 avenue Pasteur 13604 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 1 B.P. 80975 +33 (0)4 13 55 36 31
Copyright © ILCB 2023
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