post-docs in 2023?
ILCB's monthly newsletter N°20 - December 15th, 2022
Institute of Language, Communication and the Brain Bringing together experts in linguistics, neuroscience, psychology, medicine and computer science to understand and to model how language functions.

Dear members of the ILCB community,

This is the last newsletter of the year 2022. Looking back at all the events that took place during the year (annual retreat, summer school, workshops, conferences, lunch talks…), I can proudly say that we successfully resisted the temptation to “stay home” and wait for safer times to come. So yes, I think 2022 was as good as it gets thanks to your time and effort.

I am also pleased to announce that we just launched our postdoc call for 2023. You will find all the information on our website. Please share the link with your international network.

You may want to invite postdoc (or doc) applications on specific topics you are interested in. Doing this is as simple as adding a pre-proposal on the website. This also has the advantage that interested students from abroad who do not yet know the ILCB well can easily find potential supervisors and collaborators. Please send the pre-proposals directly to Sabrina Rodrigues.

I wish you all a relaxing Xmas break and a great start into the New Year!


Quote of the month

Stratégie de non-cession des droits



"En tant que chercheuse ou chercheur, vous êtes titulaire des droits de propriété intellectuelle sur les manuscrits dont vous êtes l’auteur. [...] La stratégie de non-cession des droits (Rights Retention Strategy – RRS en anglais) vous invite à ne plus céder, de manière exclusive, vos droits d’auteur aux éditeurs de revues scientifiques. Grâce à ce mécanisme, vous conservez la maîtrise de la diffusion de vos manuscrits [...] L’ANR le demande pour les projets lauréats à partir du Plan d’action 2022 et la Commission européenne pour les projets de recherche financés par Horizon Europe."


Guide pour les chercheuses et les chercheurs

Comité pour la science ouverte
Ministère de l'Enseignement  supérieur et de la Recherche


"As a researcher, you own the intellectual property rights to the manuscripts you have authored. [...] The Rights Retention Strategy (RRS) invites you to no longer assign your copyrights exclusively to journal publishers. Thanks to this mechanism, you retain control over the distribution of your manuscript [...] The ANR requires it for projects awarded from the 2022 Action Plan onwards, and the European Commission for research projects funded by Horizon Europe."



Figure of the month
Communicative Feedback in Language Acquisition


Children communicate and use language in social interactions from a very young age. They experiment with their developing linguistic knowledge and receive valuable feedback from their interlocutors. We formalize a mechanism for language acquisition, whereby children can improve their linguistic knowledge in conversation by leveraging explicit or implicit signals of communication success or failure. Examples for such communicative feedback signals are shown in the figure above. Our review article envisions a more complete understanding of language acquisition within and through social interaction.

Mitja Nikolaus & Abdellah Fourtassi. Communicative Feedback in Language Acquisition. 2023. New Ideas in Psychology 68: 100985 -- @HAL

Scientific portraits
Prof. Kate Watkins
Kate Watkins is a Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at the Department of Experimental Psychology and St Anne’s College, University of Oxford.  She is the current Holder of the ILCB IMERA Chair and based in Marseille until…
Featured publications
Graph Theoretical Analysis Reveals the Functional Role of the Left Ventral Occipito-Temporal Cortex in Speech Processing.
Shuai Wang, Samuel Planton, Valérie Chanoine, Julien Sein, Jean-Luc Anton, Bruno Nazarian, Anne-Sophie Dubarry, Christophe Pallier, and Chotiga Pattamadilok
Sequence Organization and Embodied Mutual Orientations: Openings of Social Interactions between Baboons.
Lorenza Mondada and Adrien Meguerditchian
Challenges and New Perspectives of Developmental Cognitive EEG Studies.
Estelle Hervé, Giovanni Mento, Béatrice Desnous, and Clément François
What Do We Mean with Sound Semantics, Exactly? A Survey of Taxonomies and Ontologies of Everyday Sounds.
Bruno L. Giordano, Ricardo de Miranda Azevedo, Yenisel Plasencia-Calaña, Elia Formisano, and Michel Dumontier
Evidence for Compositionality in Baboons (Papio Papio) through the Test Case of Negation.
Isabelle Dautriche, Brian Buccola, Melissa Berthet, Joel Fagot, and Emmanuel Chemla
Maternal Cradling Bias in Baboons: The First Environmental Factor Affecting Early Infant Handedness Development?
Grégoire Boulinguez-Ambroise, Emmanuelle Pouydebat, Éloïse Disarbois, and Adrien Meguerditchian
Structural Brain Asymmetries for Language: A Comparative Approach across Primates.
Yannick Becker and Adrien Meguerditchian
Decoding Sounds Depicting Hand–Object Interactions in Primary Somatosensory Cortex.
Kerri M. Bailey, Bruno L Giordano, Amanda L Kaas, and Fraser W Smith
Supported projects
ETAL 2023 : École d’été en Traitement Automatique des Langues
Abdellah Fourtassi (LIS)
Phonological Networks in Language Production and Comprehension (PhoNet)
Kristof Strijkers (LPL)
Summary of future events


Please always check the events page on the ILCB website for the latest update.

Judith GERVAIN, CNRS & University of Padova, Italy
January 13th 2022 @ 10:00 - 11:00 -- How do infants represent speech: the developmental origins of the embedded neural oscillations model.
Read more
Luca BONATTI, University Pompeu Fabra, Spain
January 13th 2022 @ 11:30 - 12:30 -- The role of logic in infant cognition.
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Isabelle DAUTRICHE, LPC (CNRS & AMU): Soutenance HDR
January 13th 2022 @ 14:00 - 17:00 -- How children learn the meaning of words
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Carles ESCERA, BrainLab @ Universitat de Barcelona
January 20th 2022 @ 12:00 - 13:00 -- title TBA
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Kate WATKINS, Oxford University
February 3rd 2023 @ 12:00 - 13:00 -- title TBA
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Adeen FLINKER, New York University, New York
March 10th 2023 @ 12:00 - 13:00 -- title TBA
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Leonhard SCHILBACH, LVR-Klinikum, Düsseldorf
April 14th 2023 @ 12:00 - 13:00 -- title TBA
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Hélène LOEVENBRUCK, CNRS & Université Grenoble Alpes
May 05th 2023 @ 12:00 - 13:00 -- title TBA
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Stéphanie RIÈS, San Diego State University
June 02nd 2023 @ 12:00 - 13:00 -- title TBA
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ILCB is affiliated to Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, INSERM, and Université d'Avignon
5 avenue Pasteur 13604 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 1 B.P. 80975 +33 (0)4 13 55 36 31
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