ILCB's monthly newsletter N°17 - September 15th, 2022
Institute of Language, Communication and the Brain Bringing together experts in linguistics, neuroscience, psychology, medicine and computer science to understand and to model how language functions.

Dear members of the ILCB community,

The new academic year is already in full swing. For ILCB, it started with the 5th edition of our annual interdisciplinary summer school, held once again at the CIRM in Luminy between August 30 and September 3. This year, no less than 2^7 = 128 participants were hosted, some coming from quite afar (Poland, Lebanon, Germany, Taiwan…), to follow the excellent program and to benefit from its unique environment.

At the summer school, we welcomed our 2022 IMERA ILCB Chair, Prof. Kate Watkins from Oxford University, who gave a brilliant keynote lecture on the neural underpinnings of stuttering. We also welcomed over 25 new Master students of the Cognitive Science program (MasCo) for whom this week provided a rich introduction into their academic year.

You will find below the scientific portraits of new members of the ILCB community: some of the PhD students who are directly financed by the ILCB. We welcome them, and the many others students who successfully secured funds to work in close scientific vicinity to the ILCB. Please join our PhD program!

Please come to our next lunch talks and meet all the new (and old) members of the ILCB!

Best wishes


Figure of the month
MIA: An open-source toolbox for Multi-patient Intracranial EEG Analysis

Intracranial EEG (iEEG) performed during the pre-surgical evaluation of refractory epilepsy provides a great opportunity to investigate the neurophysiology of human cognitive functions with exceptional spatial and temporal precisions. A difficulty of the iEEG approach for cognitive neuroscience, however, is the potential variability across patients in the anatomical location of implantations and in the functional responses that are therein recorded. In this context, we designed, implemented, and tested a user-friendly and efficient open-source toolbox for Multi-Patient Intracranial data Analysis (MIA), which can be used as standalone program or as a Brainstorm plugin.

Dubarry, A.-S., Liégeois-Chauvel, C., Trébuchon, A., Bénar, C. & Alario, F.-X. Neuroimage 257, 119251 (2022)@HAL

Scientific portraits
Jules Cauzinille
Jules Cauzinille was awarded a 2022 ILCB PhD grant to conduct a project under the supervision of Benoît Favre (LIS), in collaboration with Arnaud Rey (LPC), Thierry Legou (LPL), and Ricard Marxer (Université de Toulon). Jules obtained a bachelor’s degree in computational linguistics and a master’s degree…
Bissera Ivanova
Bissera Ivanova was awarded a 2022 ILCB PhD grant to conduct a project under the supervision of Kristof Strijkers (LPL), Benjamin Morillon (INS), and Liina Pylkkänen  from New York University (NYU), to explore the spatio-temporal dynamics of syntax processing between the production and perception modalities. Bissera studied…
Lise Habib-Dassetto
Lise Habib-Dassetto was awarded a 2022 ILCB PhD grant to conduct a project under the supervision of Marie Montant (LPC) and Cristel Portes (LPL), in collaboration with Alban Lemasson, director of EthoS (University of Rennes 1). Lise obtained Bachelor and Master degrees in Ethology at the university…
Featured publications
Does auditory deprivation impair statistical learning in the auditory modality?
Jacques Pesnot Lerousseau, Céline Hidalgo, Stéphane Roman, & Daniele Schön
The Role of Motor Inhibition During Covert Speech Production
Ladislas Nalborczyk, Ursula Debarnot, Marieke Longcamp, Aymeric Guillot, & F.-Xavier Alario
Challenges and new perspectives of developmental cognitive EEG studies
Estelle Hervé, Giovanni Mento, Béatrice Desnous, & Clément François
When words collide: Bayesian meta-analyses of distractor and target properties in the picture-word interference paradigm
Audrey Bürki-Foschini, F.-Xavier Alario, & Shravan Vasishth
Detecting non-adjacent dependencies is the exception rather than the rule
Laure Tosatto, Guillem Bonafos, Jean-Baptiste Melmi, & Arnaud Rey
On the role of interference in sequence learning in Guinea baboons (Papio Papio)
Laura Ordonez Magro, Joël Fagot, Jonathan Grainger, & Arnaud Rey
Supported projects
Projet « GESTIMAGE »
Adrien Meguerditchian (LPC)
Neural basis of new word learning: A comparison of different learning methods and the resulting speech representations
Chotiga Pattamadilok (LPL)
Conférence PracticalMEEG 2022
Anne-Sophie Dubarry, Clément Francois (LPL), & Maximilien Chaumon (Institut du Cerveau, Paris)
Associative learning of multiword units
Leonardo Pinto Arata, Arnaud Rey (LPC), & Carlos Ramisch (LIS)
Workshop announcement
fNIRS and EEG training sessions

October 19th to 21st, Campus Saint-Charles

As you may know, ILCB has recently acquired a NIRS/EEG machine (Nirscout system, 16 optodes and 32 electrodes) which will be one of the spearheads of the future BabyLab in St Charles, “Le labo des Minots”.

Very few laboratories in France, or in the world, are equipped with such a material. The strengths of the two techniques are combined, generating strong spatial but also temporal resolution.

Moreover, this type of equipment is perfectly adapted to the study of babies and young children. This is a great opportunity for the ILCB community and for Aix-Marseille University in general.

To better master the theoretical and methodological aspects of this cutting-edge technology, we propose a 2.5-day training course on the St. Charles campus, October 19th, 20th, and 21st, 2022.

We need to know how many people want to attend this training. Please contact Nadéra Bureau for further details and registration.

Clément François, Isabelle Dautriche, Nadéra Bureau

Summary of future events


Please always check the events page on the ILCB website for the latest update.

Marc D. PELL, Université McGill, Montréal
September 27 @ 11:00 - 12:00 -- Prosody as a beacon for understanding a speaker’s stance and intentions.
Read more and register
Jean-Rémi KING, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris & Meta AI
October 7 @ 12:00 - 13:00 -- Language in the brain and algorithms.
Read more and register
fNIRS & EEG training sessions
October 19-21
Read more
Kate WATKINS, Oxford University
February 3rd 2023 @ 12:00 - 13:00 -- title TBA
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Adeen FLINKER, New York University, New York
March 10th 2023 @ 12:00 - 13:00 -- title TBA
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Leonhard SCHILBACH, LVR-Klinikum, Düsseldorf
April 14th 2023 @ 12:00 - 13:00 -- title TBA
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Hélène LOEVENBRUCK, CNRS & Université Grenoble Alpes
May 05th 2023 @ 12:00 - 13:00 -- title TBA
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ILCB is affiliated to Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, INSERM, and Université d'Avignon
5 avenue Pasteur 13604 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 1 B.P. 80975 +33 (0)4 13 55 36 31
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