Salle des voûtes, St Charles 3 place Victor Hugo, Marseille, France

Vendredi 23/02 Campus St Charles, Salle des voûtes 10.00- 10.30 “Natural conversation between humans and artificial agents : Advances and neuroscientific insights” (Birgit Rauchbauer & Matthieu Riou) 10.30-11.10 “Compensatory mechanisms and plasticity: evidence from language disorders” (Ambre Denis-Noël, Alexia Fasola & Anna Marczyk) 11.15-11.40 COFFEE BREAK 11.40-12.20 “The effect of voice modulation in language evolution […]


Grand amphi Campus St-Charles, 3 place Victor Hugo, Marseille, France

      JOURNEE ILCB  ----------------- 9h30 Conférence Plénière Ghislaine DEHAENE-LAMBERTZ, Directrice de Recherche CNRS, Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit, CEA, Paris “Are human infants able to use symbols?” Summary : Human adults commonly use symbolic systems (e.g. speech, numbers, writing code, algebraic formula) to represent aspects of the external world, and they easily and flexibly go […]

Journée ILCB

B011 LPL 5 avenue Pasteur, Aix-en-Provence, France

CLAIRE KABDEBON Title: The origins of human cognition: insights from the infant brain Abstract: Our human-unique cognitive abilities to process speech, compose music or write fictions do not suddenly emerge in adulthood, but are rather deeply rooted in early development. A major discovery of the past decades is that infants come into the world equipped with […]