seed funding/project support

ILCB offers support for its members’ research projects through ongoing calls for projects. We support diverse projects or actions

  • “At risk” projects
  • projects providing structure for the ILCB, with the goal of bringing together its various disciplines and laboratories
  • projects that foreshadow : in preparation for responses to national or international proposals
  • setting up international collaboration
  • setting up training

Interdisciplinary projects and projects including partners from at least two Labex’s laboratories will be given priority. This is meant as start-up support (complementing already-acquired support). The start-up budget is 10,000 €, but you can ask for much less or a bit more if your request is fully justified. There are two types of requests :

      • consumable budget : equipment, personnel (hourly pay), operations, transfers
      • access to the experimental platforms (during days of use)

To submit projects: please download the files (see link below):

Selection criteria :

    1. Scientific quality of the project
    2. Relevance to ILCB
    3. Originality / continuation of an on-going project
    4. Complementarity of expertise (collaborations encouraged but not necessary)
    5. Match between requested funding and project (co-funding)
    6. Historic of funding by ILCB
    Selection process:

    • 1. Evaluation by the Eval group and by the Scientific Council
    • 2. Eventual request for further details and information
    • 3. Final selection

Given that the Scientific Council meets every month, the delay between the beginning of the application period and the final selection is from one to two months.

    Next Scientific Council meetings 2023 – 2024 :
  • Tuesday, September 3, 2024 (project submission dealine : Agust 28, 2024 before 17h)
  • Tuesday, October 1, 2024 (project submission dealine : September 25, 2024 before 17h)
  • Tuesday, November 5, 2024 (project submission dealine : Octobre 30, 2024 before 17h)
  • Tuesday, December 3, 2024 (project submission dealine : November 27, 2024 before 17h)
  • Tuesday, January 7, 2025 (project submission dealine : January 2, 2025 before 17h)
  • Tuesday, February 4, 2025 (project submission dealine : January 29, 2025 before 17h)
  • Tuesday, March 4, 2025 (project submission dealine : February 26, 2025 before 17h )
  • Tuesday, April 1, 2025 (project submission dealine : March 26, 2025 before 17h)
  • Tuesday, May 6, 2025 (project submission dealine : April 31, 2025 before 17h)
  • Tuesday, June 3, 2025 (project submission dealine : May 28, 2025 before 17h)
  • Tuesday, July 1, 2025 (project submission dealine : June 25, 2025 before 17h)

Please send files to Johannes Ziegler (, Marie-Hélène Grosbras (, Marie Montant (,  and Nadéra Bureau (