Master in Cognitive Science (MASCO)

MaSCo is a new MA in Cognitive Science, delivered by Aix-Marseille University and supported by the Institute of Language, Communication and the Brain.

MaSCo provides an advanced scientific curriculum on human cognition, as well as a technological and methodological expertise in evaluation, analysis and modeling of cognitive processes. Brain imaging technologies and computational methods are at the core of the MA.

information link : Guidelines_Candidature en, Guidelines_Candidature_fr

Program 2023/2024 PlaquetteMasco_2023-24

Program 2024/2025 Plaquette_MASCO_2024-25

Sujets de stage 2022/2023

Head: Noël Nguyen, Marieke Longcamp

Educational coordinators: Marlène Abadie, Maud Champagne-Lavau

Educational support: Lilia Mena

Administrative support: Nadéra Bureau

Catalogue des Formations 2022 - 2023