PCA is a communication software for people whose speech is difficult or impossible and whose motor skills are reduced. A few interactions are enough to compose a message, whatever it is. The PCA offers two types of communication:
- Verbal communication, that is to say in writing
- Non-verbal communication based on icons
Three modes of accessibility are proposed according to the user's motricity: the keyboard mode, the mouse mode (usable with any mouse emulator) and the scrolling mode. Each accessibility mode is customizable (display, scrolling speed, automatic click, multi-modality). The Alternative Communication Platform can be controlled by different contactors. An internal interface allows simple and precise adjustment of the input devices.
PCA was conceived and developed within the Speech and Language Laboratory (CNRS and Aix Marseille University). Distributed by Aegys from 2003 to 2011, the PCA software is now available for free access. The proposed version dates from the year 2011. The PCA software has not been maintained since.
For developers wishing to upgrade the software, we provide the source code (in java) under certain conditions. Please contact us.