PhD programme de l'ILCB
PhD cosupervisors: Nicolas Claidière (laboratoire de Psychologie cognitive) and Noël Nguyen (laboratoire Parole et langage), with the participation of Leonardo Lancia (laboratoire de phonétique et phonologie, Univ Paris 3 & CNRS)
In spoken language interactions, and for people to understand each other, speech sounds must be categorized consistently across listeners. Within a linguistic community, a common set of criteria must therefore be agreed upon, as regards how phonemic categories are delineated in the speech sound space. In spite of their central importance for social cognition and speech sciences, little attention has been devoted so far to the mechanisms that allow this shared perceptual landscape to emerge. The goal of this project will be to explore these mechanisms as they deploy within a group of participants, in an experimental framework.
The PhD student will contribute to devising an ensemble of innovative, joint-perception experiments, in which each listener's perceptual behavior can be affected by that of the other listeners. This will consist, for example, in having groups of listeners construct a mapping between unfamiliar speech sounds and sets of entities (e.g., visual shapes) in a coordinated way, within an experimental set-up that will make it possible for information to flow between listeners. Issues of interest will include the impact of local, pairwise interactions on the dynamics of the entire group, the geometry of the shared speech sound space and how it evolves over the course of the interactions between listeners, the potential benefit of performing a speech perception task collectively rather than individually.
To a very large extent, these issues remain unexplored in the speech perception domain. However, fruitful connections can be made with related, albeit different lines of work, which are concerned with cultural transmission in both humans and non-human species (Claidière, Smith, Kirby & Fagot, 2014) and with experimental approaches to the emergence and evolution of language (e.g. Kirby et al., 2008, Xu et al, 2013). In this project, a bridge will be established between these different domains, which will allow the PhD candidate to exploit the experimental methods and mathematical tools developed in studies on cultural transmission, to further our understanding of how speech perception works, and how it contributes to the evolution of phonological systems.
For more information:
Nicolas Claidière’s website:
Noël Nguyen’s webpage:
Leonardo Lancia’s list of publications:
CHANDRASEKARAN Bharath | SoundBrain Lab, The University of Texas at Austin USA |
PELLEGRINO François | DDL UMR5596 CNRS – Université Lumière Lyon 2 |
MCQUEEN James | Donders Institute, Radboud University The Netherlands |
LINA Jean-Marc | Ecole de Technologie Superieure, Dep. Genie Electrique |
ZORZI Marco | University of Padova Italy |
GOLDRICK Matthew | Northwestern University USA |
KUNERT Richard | Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Pays Bas |
VASISHTH Shravan | University of Potsdam, Germany |
KOTZ Sonja | University of Manchester, Royaume-Uni |
MEURERS Detmar | University of Tübingen |
Douglas Shiller | Université de Montréal / Ecole d'orthophonie et d'audiologie, Faculté de médecine |
GIBSON Ted | University MIT Brain & Cognitive Sciences, Cambridge, USA |
KOTZ Sonja | University of Manchester, Royaume-Uni |
WAUQUIER Sophie | Université de Paris |
HAGOORT Peter | Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics |
FEDORENKO Evelina | University MIT Brain & Cognitive Sciences, Cambridge, USA |
SMOLENSKY Paul | Johns Hopkins University/Congnitive Science Dept |
PUGH Ken | Haskins Laboratories |
CUMMINS Fred | University College Dublin School of Computer Science - Dublin |
LEGENDRE Géraldine | Johns Hopkins University/Congnitive Science Dept |
CULBERTSON Jennifer | University of Edinburgh/Linguistics and English Language |
SVEN Joubert | Université de Montréal |
CASILLAS Marisa | Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics |
CHATOUX Anne-Gabrielle | Conservatoire de vincennes |
FORGáCS Bálint | Laboratoire Psychologie de la Perception, Université Paris Descartes |
DEHAENE Stanislas | CEA DSV/I2BM, INSERM, Université Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay |
MORAIS José | UNESCOG - Université Libre de Bruxelles |
GIBSON Ted | University MIT Brain & Cognitive Sciences, Cambridge, USA |
KOTZ Sonja | University of Manchester, Royaume-Uni |
STEINHAUER Karsten | Mc Gill University, faculty of medecine |
HAGOORT Peter | Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics |
SMOLENSKY Paul | Université de Paris |
COSTA Albert | CBC-UPF, Barcelona, Spain |
DUPOUX Emmanuel | Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris |
PUGH Ken | Haskins Laboratories |
SPEER Shari | Ohio State University |
GIRAUD Anne-Lise | Université de Genève |
ACKERMANN Hermann | University of Tübingen |
SCHWARTZ Jean-Luc | gipsa-lab |
JOHNSON Mark | Macquarie University |
STAM Gale | National Louis University, Chicago, IL, USA |
D'AUSILIO Alessandro | Uµniversity of Ferrara, Italiano Di Tecnologia Gêne |
RICHELLE Marc | Université de liège, Belgique |
GUIGUE Vincent | LIP6 - UPMC Paris |
HIRSCHBERG Julia | Columbia University |
CAO Fan | Michigan State University |
JACOBS Arthur | Freie Universität Berlin |
BADINO Leonardo | University of Ferrara, Italiano Di Tecnologia Gêne |
ELMER Stefan | University of Zurich, Suisse |
LAKRETZ Yair | Tel-Aviv University Sagol’ School of Neuroscience, Israel |
FADIGA Luciano | University of Ferrara, Italiano Di Tecnologia Gêne |
PIOTROWSKI David | LIAS-IMM UMR 8178 Paris |
CARREIRAS Manuel | BCBL, Donositian San Sebastian, Espagne |
TAJTELBOM Ludmilla | LIP6 - UPMC Paris |
ALRARELLI Irène | Brain and Learning Lab, University of Geneva |
KANDEL Sonia | LPNC – CNRS UMR 5105 – Université Grenoble 2 |
GERMAN James | Nanyang Technological University Linguistics and Multilingual Studies, Singapore |
HARALD Baayen | Eberhard karls University, Allemagne |
HALE John | Cornell University, NY, USA |
FERNANDEZ-PEREZ Heivet | Centro de Neurociencias de Cuba, Cuba |
JACOBS Arthur | Freie Universität Berlin |
KHAMASSI Medhi | Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotiques |
PIETQUIN Olivier | Sequel team, University Lille 1 INRIA Lille |
CASTLES Anne | Macquarie University |
YAO YAO | Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, China |
STEINHAUER Karsten | Mc Gill University, faculty of medecine |
FULLGRABE Christian | MRC Institute of Hearing Research |
KIRBY Simon | Université Edimburgh |
ROYLE Phaedra | Mc Gill University, faculty of medecine |
MAGNUSON James | University of Connecticut |
LEMASSON Alban | Université de Rennes 1, Institut universitaire de France |
MUNSON Benjamin | Minnesota University |
PALLIER Christophe | Unité INSERM CEA de Neuroimagerie Cognitive |
DEMUTH Katherine | Macquarie University |
JOHNSON Mark | Macquarie University |
HARTSUIKER Robert | Ghent University |
HUANG Chu Ren | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Faculty of Humanities, Hong Kong |
MARTINEZ-MONTES Eduardo | Centro de Neurociencias de Cuba, Cuba |
HARALD Baayen | Eberhard karls University, Allemagne |
HALE John | Cornell University, NY, USA |
GIBSON Ted | University MIT Brain & Cognitive Sciences, Cambridge, USA |
FEDORENKO Evelina | University MIT Brain & Cognitive Sciences, Cambridge, USA |
ZOCK Michael | Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale |
LEMASSON Alban | Université de Rennes 1, Institut universitaire de France |
DELL Gary S. | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
ANDREWS Sally | University of Sydney |
DEMONET Jean-françois | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) |