Developmental dyslexia is a long-lasting reading deficit that affects 6 to 8% of the French population. Thisproject aims to investigate the neural basis of the functional links between language and sensorimotor representations and their possible changes in adults with dyslexia. We want toassess whether an impairment of phonemic representations is associated with an impairment of internal model of articulatory and bodily actions, and whether these features are supported by cerebral particularities in networks devoted to internal representation of action and learning process such as fronto-parietal, cingulo-opercular, somato-motor and cerebellar-cortical networks. To answer this question, neuropsychological, sensorimotor including articulatory, and auditory assessments were already administered using a large cohort with 110 young participants, aged from 19 to 24 years, including 52 dyslexic adults (DA) and 58 control readers (CR). Our first objective aimed to determine whether the prevalence of sensorimotor deficits would be higher in DA, when compared to to CR and we found that 29% of DA displayed sensorimotor deficits, while only 5 % of CR showedwith such deficits. In the present project, our second objective is to identify both the neural bases of dyslexia in young adults and the impact of sensorimotor comorbidity by characterizing subtle alteration of brain network organization at high spatial and temporal resolutions using 7T ultra-high field (UHF) magnetic MRI. This will be done using two groups of 20 DA with or without sensorimotor deficit, compared to a control group of 20 CR without sensorimotor deficit.