Marie Montant is a senior member of the ILCB and a member of its evaluation committee. She holds a Maîtresse de Conférence position in Neurosciences at AMU and is affiliated to the Laboratoire de Psychologie Cognitive (Marseille). In September 2021, she was awarded a research fellow position at the Institut Méditerranéen de Recherches Avancées (IMéRA) for her project entitled “Language evolution from a non-anthropocentric perspective: A transdisciplinary approach for a new paradigm”. In November 2021, she defended her Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) on “The language in its biological matrix: a transdisciplinary approach”. Together with Marie-Hélène Grosbras, she supervises the work of Raphaël Py, an ILCB doctoral student who is investigating possible co-opted neuronal networks for language and motor syntax.